New presidential team following 2024 AGM

The Irish Aberdeen Angus Association hosted the 4th AGM in Mullingar in March.

The AGM seen a reshuffling of the council and indeed top table. In accordance with bylaws, council members can only sit for a maximum of three years, and the top table changes every two years.

Selected to represent the Connacht Donegal region was John McDermott of the Masreagh herd in Co Sligo. While Laurence Farrell of the Haroldstown herd in Co Carlow was selected to represent the Southeast region.

This year marked the change of the guard on the top table as after many years of trojan work in varies positions, John McEnroe’s time as Ex-offico came to an end. Eustace Burke having completed two years as president now moves into this role.

Stepping up as new president is Cork based John Tait, who occupied the position of vice president for the previous two years.

This then left the position of vice president free which was secured by Malachy Tighe of the Tara herd in Meath.

The Association would like to thank all outgoing members of council for their dedicated work and wish all the best to those taking up new positions.