The Munster Aberdeen Angus club hosted their first autumn heifer sale recently with prices rising to €4,000. The sale was the first of its kind being a fully timed auction with entries from nearly 20 breeders right across Munster. The sale was run through the Irish Aberdeen Angus Associations platform on Marteye through Mid-Tipp Mart Thurles and seen lots secured by breeders right across the country.
Leading proceedings was the sole in calf heifer in the sale, Clontead Mandy X366. Bred by Eustace and Deirdre Burke, she was knocked down to a breeder in West Cork for their established herd. Sired by Dunard Navigator and from one of the herds most prolific lines, she sold carrying one of the first calves of new AI bull Drumhill Explorer.

Next in line was the September 2022 born heifer Dulague Red Ella Y335 from Richie Lombard. This heifer is by the herds stock bull Stairhaven Red Erine U266 and is a full sister to a heifer who sold for €5,100 at last years Extravaganza. She found a new home in Co. Offaly.

Hitting the market at €3,500 was the 10-month-old Mercury Ellen Erica Z879 from John and Shane Murphy. This stylish heifer is a daughter of former stock bull Coraghy Steel and out of the oldest cow in the herd. Securing this lot was a west Cork breeder.
Last of the heifers to break the €3,000 mark was Westellen Dana Y937 from John Tait. This super Farghal daughter is out of the 2019 All-Ireland junior champion, Westellen Dana U840. A page of stars and nearly 23kg on carcase she was knocked down to a Wexford breeder.
Overall the sale proved highly successful with average hitting €2,620.