Autumn Extravaganza Sale entries now open

The second Irish Aberdeen Angus Autumn Extravaganza weekend will take place on the 7th and 8th October 2023 in Thurles mart.

On the Saturday our Premier sale will take place with a key focus on female stock. The Association again envision having roughly 50 females on offer in order to keep quality high and replicate the success of the 2022 sale. This means all entries will be pre-sale inspected to reach a certain standard.

If animals are viewed and seen to not be of Premier sale quality, they will not be accepted.

On this inspection day animals will be photographed for the catalogue and promotional purposes.

To allow us time to do this and have the catalogue ready for a number of key events, please note entries close strictly on the 15th of August. Entry fee for the Premier stands at €60, however please note if the animal is photographed and the animal does not attend the event an additional charge of €40 will be added to your account.

Entry forms available on the following link

As a way of limiting numbers of male stock at this sale, Council have again decided to only allow bulls which have taken part in the regional club calf qualifiers to enter. Following the finals in each region, the Association will be in contact with breeders whose animals qualify.

Please note all animals need to be parent verified to enter, so if your potential entries are not, then please contact the office as soon as possible.